2024 Tour Home Highlights

Please fill out this form to ensure accurate promotion of your home for the 2024 Tour of Homes event series. The more information you provide, the better we can promote your business.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

(Required for promotional & navigational purposes)

Single Family Custom
Single Family Spec
Entire Home Remodel
Partial Remodel

List 5-7 home highlights 

If you leave this blank we are happy to help  by crafting home descriptions based on your list of highlights. If you opt for this, we'll prepare a draft and send you a proof before moving forward with promotion.

Pacific Power
Ziply Fiber
Kate Soldano

If you do not upload we will use what is on file.

20MB max

Upload or list the names of all individuals who contributed to making this home possible. This way, we can share our appreciation and support for their efforts as well.

20MB max

Upload or list the names of all individuals who contributed to making this home possible. This way, we can share our appreciation and support for their efforts as well.